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Our Story

The Uncomfortable Art Exchange evolved as a conversation and set of self motivational challenges that Kat Chudy, Leigh Rector, and Joshua Flores decided to give themselves during some of the downtime that occurred during the pandemic. The exchange evolved in response to the pandemic, allowing non-traditional printmaking techniques the first year to accommodate participants that did not have access to currently closed academic facilities and shops. The first two years allowed both digital prints and photographs, later expanding to experiment in the third year with the idea of an art exchange - both flat and 3D media set only to a theme and specific size parameters. 


The goal of the exchange is to bring light to all things UNCOMFORTABLE! We spend too much time on the things that are comfortable that we aren’t prepared for the bad things in life. Being uncomfortable is a part of life, it is time to acknowledge that.


"KC" (Kat Chudy)


After being introduced to the wide world of print exchanges by Joshua Flores, I noticed that the majority of the themes were very positive or PC. Many of my students had complained about not being able to make rated “R” work during school, so we opened the door to more risque subjects by centering the yearly exchange around uncomfortable things.


Leigh Rector


I am a photographer, printmaker, time traveler and collector of moments. In the pandemic, I quickly learned skills needed to navigate this unpredictable and uncomfortable life we share. Here, I have been collaborating with my friends to bring you “Uncomfortable Art Exchange”.

I am very happy to make art that makes you uncomfortable.


Joshua Flores


I could be called the behind the scenes technical support, extra pair of hands, unwanted logical opinion, etc. I am a printmaker and painter riding the excitement of participating in the ever growing popularity of print and art exchanges. I don't ask for much, I just want to make art in good company!

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